RK-500 Xtreme Raspberry Ketones 90 caps

RK-500 Xtreme Raspberry Ketones 90 caps. RK500 can be cost effectively incorporated into fat loss or body recomposition regimens. RK-500 contains 500 mg of Raspberry Ketones per capsule. Raspberry Ketones are commonly used to help aid in fat loss and body recomposition. Raspberry Ketones (RK) are similar in structure to synephrine and capsaicin, which are both noted as being thermogenic due to their release of norepinephrine. Norepinehrine increases lipolysis (which means the breakdown of white fat cells), enhances focus and attentiveness, and suppresses appetite.

Raspberry Ketones may help aid in fat loss through preventing fat storage through causing HSL (hormone-sensitive lipase) to translocate to within fat cells. HSL is the enzyme that once inside the fat cell, slices apart fat molecules into various fatty acids in preparation for fat metabolism. In laymans terms, you cannot have maximum lipolysis without ample supplies of HSL inside the fat cell. Raspberry Ketones have no documented side effects. While they are structurally similar to capsaicin, they do not cause the gastrointestinal discomfort that is commonly associated with capsaicin. They may also be even more thermogenic than capsaicin.

In studies on rats, Raspberry Ketones helped prevent the onset of obesity in mice that were on a high fat diet. They also prevented an increase in blood triglyceride following high fat meals. That translates into Raspberry Ketones not only helping prevent the onset of obesity, but also preventing fat storage as well.

Product Features
  • Fat Loss & Recomposition Agent
  • Enhances focus and attentiveness
  • Thermogenic properties
  • Breaks down fat cells
  • Suppresses appetite
Price: $16.95

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